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  • 27 result(s)
  1. Ministers and high-level representatives from the 38 OECD member and candidate countries met in Luxembourg in November 2022 to reaffirm their shared commitment to defending and strengthening the democratic values that unite them at the Ministerial Meeting on Public Governance, which focused on "Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy".

  2. On 25 January, the Minister of Justice presented a bill to adapt the national legal framework on the retention of personal data in the electronic communications sector to the requirements of the recent rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union in this area.

  3. Luxembourg has just finalised its first vertical risk assessment on terrorist financing. This vertical risk assessment was carried out under the guidance of the Ministry of Justice and the results were adopted on 17 May 2022 by the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Committee (BC/TF Prevention Committee).

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